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  • Blepharoplasty, functional or cosmetic

  • Ptosis Repair

  • Entropion Repair

  • Ectropion Repair

Who is a good candidate for a blepharoplasty? 

  • Someone who has tired, drooping eyelids. 

  • Excessive skin hanging over lid crease.

  • Fat deposits that make the upper eye lid puffy.

  • If your vision is being obstructed by these above.

A functional blepharoplasty is sometimes covered by insurance if the visual disturbance is significant. Otherwise, a cosmetic blepharoplasty can be done, which would not be covered by insurance, but rather is an elective surgery to improve the appearance of drooping lids. After your visit, you will have to do some tests that your insurance company will review, and determine if it is medically necessary or not. If you are not approved, you can still get one done, but as a cosmetic surgery instead. 

Brightening your face, and creating a more youthful appearance, as well as improved peripheral vision, are the goals of a blepharoplasty. 

Please use the links above to learn more about these procedures.

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